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Alessio Bolzoni - interpretation pictures

A-level Photography is stress. Let me just tell you that now. on top of choreographing a 3 minute group contemporary dance piece and coming to terms with two styles of drama and scripts as well as rehearsing for a stage production, i never find time to take any decent pictures. Oh yeah, did i also mention I'm retaking an impossible English AS course.

For my A2 personal photography investigation, i looked at renowned fashion photographer Alessio Bolzoni. His quirky and unorthodox approach in conducting images inspired me and provide me with these interpretations of his works...

I'm quite proud of these ones...

I recently posted this image on instagram and hashtagged #alessiobolzoni, next thing i know, the man himself liked the picture. It made me very proud of myself as an aspiring photographer.

Unfortunately due to my lack of time on my hands, i was unable to style my models, but using what they wore to sixth form, i think i was able to provide a style to my images.

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