Been away for a while with a lot of exam work and ting... and i still have more but just to keep this blog alive, here's a style piece i did quickly just before work whilst i was waiting bored. I work at fashion retailer H&M and as you might already know, the staff aren't required to wear any sort of uniform. However, this does not mean we can wear the most garish of outfits. One of our uniform guidelines is that we must always keep fashion in mind. With this being said, i can personally say that its hard to keep reinventing stylish outfits for everyday at work but as a male dresser, we can say that i have it easier than girls...
This look is one of my more simple get ups. Constructed with ease, this look is essentially jeans and a white tee. I partnered black jeans with a black and white photoprint tee to get a monochrome feel. Based on your feeling, the footwear can then be whatever you fancy really. I wanted to keep my look under-toned and conservative but fashion forward so i put on the ox-blood Kickers silhouette. Then just before i left the house, i donned on my well worn camel coloured, corduroy jacket as it just brightened the mostly dark outfit. this outfit optimises a casual look for the colder spring days and what's good about it is that you can almost substitute any garment in to match your personal style.
I'm wearing:
Jacket - charity shop buy (£10), John Rocha
T-shirt - Sedgewick and Cedar (£15)
Black jeans - H&M (£15)
Ox-blood Kickers - Schuh (£60)
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